FrontPage 2003 provides the features, flexibility, and functionality to help
you build better Web sites. It includes the professional design, authoring,
data, and publishing tools needed to create dynamic and sophisticated Web sites.
FrontPage 2003 advances your Web development in three key areas:
- Design Better
looking Sites
- Generate Code Faster and Easier
- Extend the Power and Reach of Your Web Site
The design tools in FrontPage 2003 generate efficient and clean HTML, and
give you more control over the code. Or, you can apply your coding knowledge
by taking advantage of the professional coding tools. With the scripting tools
you can create an interactive experience for your audience . And, because the
coding tools are easy to work with, you can even use them to start learning
With Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and Windows Server 2003 connected
to FrontPage 2003, you can modify and present live data from a range of sources,
including XML, to build rich interactive data-driven web sites in a WYSIWYG
editor. Users can post to the Web using just their browsers, while choosing
from a broad range of publishing options.
Minimum System Requirements
- Min. 233MHz Processor
- Min. 128MB RAM
- Min. 245MB available hard drive disk space
- Windows 2000 SP3 or XP
- CD-ROM drive
- Min. SVGA 800 x 600 monitor
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

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